Prayer is the very heartbeat of Pioneer Bible Translators! We are called by God, empowered by God, and dependent on Him in every way. We know that we cannot do this transformational work without prayer.
We have seen that as Bible translation projects near completion, the Enemy often ratchets up hindrances, opposition, and roadblocks. As one translated New Testament was being read through for the final time before being sent to the publisher, the translator’s wife discovered a cancerous lump. Two weeks before the completion of the final revision of another New Testament, a child ran out in front of a vehicle being driven by one of the team members and was hit and killed. In another project, a lawsuit based on lies was brought against a team member. In yet another, while the New Testament was in the process of being printed, the translator died.
We are convinced of the need for intensified prayer for translation projects as they reach the final stages of completion. It is clear that Satan does not want Scripture in the hands of the people because he knows and fears its power to transform. He will stop at nothing to block God’s Word from going forth.
Several of our translation projects are nearing completion. They need constant prayer coverage. We invite you to join us in targeted intercession for each of them, asking God for Divine protection and steady progress until His Word is published and in the hands of people, transforming their lives and communities.
Projects Nearing Completion
East Africa
Pioneer Bible Translators partners with The Word for the World and The Seed Company to translate God’s Word for Bibleless people in East Africa. Six New Testaments are now in their “home stretch.” This year we are focusing on preparing for typesetting, and we anticipate that the entire New Testament in each of these six languages will be finished by the end of 2013.
- Kwere: 98,000 people
- Lughuru: 92,000 people
- Ndamba: 55,000 people
- Nguu: 132,000 people
- Pogolo: 185,000 people
- Zigua: 355,000 people
Pioneer Bible Translators, in partnership with the Institute for Bible Translation, is translating God’s Word into a language spoken by over half a million people in this region. Many individual books of the Bible have already been published. We anticipate completing the translation of the entire Bible this year. By the end of 2014, it should be ready for publication.
Papua New Guinea
- Waran—Translation of the New Testament into the Waran language is 88% complete. This people group, numbering about 2,500, was formerly animistic, but now many are following Jesus.
- Mborena Kam—The entire New Testament has been translated into Mborena Kam, a language spoken by about 2,000 people. Checking and revision are well underway. If work progresses as planned, the Mborena Kam New Testament will be typeset in 2014.
Southeast Asia
- TSI—The typesetting of this New Testament will be complete in December. Our goal is to have it to the printers on January 2. Dedication activities will start in early March. This translation has the potential to reach more than two hundred million people who speak this trade language.
West Africa
- Susu Old Testament Part Two (Job-Malachi)—The second half of the Old Testament should be ready for printing in 2014. Over one million people speak this language.
Projects Being Printed
West Africa
- Susu Old Testament Part One (Genesis-Esther)—This should be available for distribution in 2014. Over one million people speak this language.
- Toma Old Testament Part One (Genesis-2 Samuel)—This should be sent to the printer in September for distribution in early 2014. 150,000 people speak this language.
Papua New Guinea
- Tay—The typesetting of this New Testament is nearly complete, and we plan to send it to the publisher in October. We estimate that it will be published in 2014. About 1,000 people speak the Tay language. A movement of God’s Spirit is sweeping through this people group right now.
Recently Published
New Testament
Two recently published New Testaments are now being distributed among the people for whom they were translated. Praise God! Pray for eager reception by hungry hearts.
West Africa
- Susu—Dedicated in June of 2013. Over one million people speak this language.
South Asia
- Bundeli—Dedicated in December of 2010. Speakers of this language number in the millions.
Complete Bible
Praise the Lord! He has blessed our worldwide team with our first complete Bible.
West Africa
- Yalunka—Dedicated in February of 2013. There are well over 100,000 speakers of this language.